Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day!

So, my mom cancelled seminary last night, good thing too. She woke my brother and i up at 5:45 to go to school as normal. we stand at the bus stop from 6:13 until i called her from the bus stop at 6:30. now, its a 2 hour delay. great. then, i go upstairs and pick up my room. as i finish, fairfield is closed. now, im sitting at the computer looking at all the cool christmas presents online. but of course, in the back of my mind, i know that i should be doing all of my homework. my ap english teacher gave us two assignments "in case" we didnt have school wednesday.

i still have to go to work later, not that bad though. but its gonna be my first time driving in the snow!

have a great snow day :)


Corrie- said...

one word. jealous. i wish mine had been a snow day, but instead we just had a delay. boo, hiss!

Mama D said...

Sorry you had to stand at the bus stop! My kids and I hate it when that happens because the delay isn't posted in time. Our district is a little slow in that regard...

You must have done all right driving in the snow because you've been sighted since then! lol

Leslie said...

Snow's not that bad to drive in. Just remember: PUMP THE BRAKES!! :)

Papa D said...

Snow? Bah, Humbug! I grew up not missing school after 2 feet fell overnight, and when we lived in Boston . . . don't get me started on the ice storms. (and, yes, school was uphill both ways when I was a kid)

ldsskittle07 said...

gotta love snow days!

merry christmas :)